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Technology Readiness Day Recap

Written by | Rebecca Ngo
April 17, 2024
| 3:48 pm
On April 11th 2024 CAD MicroSolutions Inc. Inc. hosted its first ever Technology Readiness Day event. Centered around bringing industry leaders and customers together to discuss the latest technology advancements and trends, Technology Readiness Day was a success! Continue reading for a full recap of the event.

CAD MicroSolutions Inc. prides itself on hosting educational customer events. Usually, we host small intimate events that are focused on educating event-goers on one partner, product or technology. With over 150 registrants, 16 partners, and 10 guest speakers,  Technology Readiness Day was not our typical event.  

Planning and Preparation

Hosted at our head office in Toronto, we spent weeks making plans and preparing the space to accommodate all of our guests. Making the best use of our space, we even had a lounge set up in our parking lot! 

The Main Event

Given the limited time and space, we selected our presenters carefully ensuring that the topics discussed would be the most relevant to attendees. The Technology Readiness Day event featured speakers from renowned organizations such as Dassault Systèmes, Deloitte, BDC, HP, and CTMA. 

Noteable highlights included keynote speaker address by Manish Kumar, CEO of SOLIDWORKS, who discussed the intersection of AI and manufacturing, setting the tone for the event. Arvind Rangarajan from HP, Scott Lidgey from Dassault Systèmes, and Tripp Burd from Markforged captivated audiences with their expertise in software, governance, and digital fabrication, respectively.

The event provided a unique opportunity for attendees to engage with industry partners such as Dassault Systemes, HP, Markforged, and Zeiss, fostering collaboration and innovation. There are many topics that deserve  a deeper dive or a blog post of their own. Stay tuned! 

For the latest news and events be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming events. 


Our purpose for hosting this event was to create a space where industry leaders, innovators, and technology enthusiasts alike could come together to discuss the future of practical implications of technology in the workplace,  as well as to forge meaningful connections. With the feedback we’ve received from attendees – it’s safe to say that this event was a success! Thank you to all who presented and attended, we hope to see you again at our other events.

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