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Design software


SOLIDWORKS Composer enables users to easily repurpose existing 3D models to rapidly create and update high-quality graphical assets that are fully associated with your 3D design.


Repurpose your 3D engineering models for creating graphical content to explain processes and procedures in technical communications, such as manufacturing assembly instructions, product manuals, installation instructions, service manuals, training guides, marketing brochures, and sales bidding kits.

Easily repurpose existing 3D models to rapidly create and update high-quality graphical assets that are fully associated with your 3D designs.

Create graphical content using your 3D engineering models to explain process and procedures in technical communications. Work directly from 3D CAD data to photorealistic images, interactive animations, and high-quality illustrations.

Which Package
is right for you?

Enables you to interrogate a model, adjust the viewing angle, and rotate/pan/zoom in real time. You can also use custom APIs to customize the Player. 

Interact with 3D content using SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Professional. It includes all the features of the SOLIDWORKS Composer Player, but also enables you to interrogate a model, adjust the viewing angle, and rotate/pan/zoom in real time. You can also use custom APIs to customize the Player.

Create a batch conversion process from 3D CAD to other 3D formats into SOLIDWORKS Composer format with Composer Sync. Changes in product data or manufacturing information can be automatically updated to SOLIDWORKS Composer deliverables, and you can save batch job settings to XML for future use.  

Includes additional features to update information for maintaining accurate product technical communication. Changes in product or manufacturing information can also be updated for SOLIDWORKS Composer deliverables. 

Identify costly design errors by examining clearances and planning production paths before the products hit the shop floor with SOLIDWORKS Composer Check. 

Why CAD Micro?

CAD MicroSolutions is uniquely positioned to support our clients across Canada. Our team is dedicated to helping our customers ensure they are realizing the greatest value from their technology investment.

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