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West Coast Industries, an innovative aircraft and aerospace tooling manufacturing company, has been finding solutions for durable aerospace tooling for over 40 years. This case study highlights the performance enhancement achieved on a complex handle of a portable high-precision drilling machine. The revolutionary drilling technology is used to drill holes in highly loaded aircraft structures making this manufacturing task more efficient. The ergonomic pneumatic handles were 3D printed by GoProto using HP Multi Jet Fusion Technology and post-processed with GoProto’s vapor smoothing technology PostPro3D by AMT. GoProto’s additive manufacturing capabilities are centered around performance. The use of PostPro3D set a new record of performance for West Coast Industries and for technology like MJF which already outputs some of the best performing parts in the industry.

Categories: Case Study
Tags: Aerospace, AMT, GoProto, MJF
Author: AMTechnologies
Aerospace AMT GoProto MJF Case Study Cover page

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