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SOLIDWORKS CAM Professional Training – Online

This course teaches how to use the SOLIDWORKS CAM Professional software to machine parts utilizing advanced functionality such as: CAM or SOLIDWORKS configurations, VoluMill, mill machining in the context of an assembly, and 3 + 2 machining. The course also teaches how to generate, modify and post process 2 axis turning toolpaths used for the machining of SOLIDWORKS part files.

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Training – Online

This course provides an in-depth session on the basics of turbulent fluid flow analysis, in addition to covering meshing concerns, modeling concerns, analysis, post-processing, available options and preferences.

SOLIDWORKS Assembly Modeling Training – Online

SOLIDWORKS Assembly Modeling teaches students how to maximize their use of the assembly modeling capabilities of SolidWorks mechanical design automation software.

SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic Training – Online

This course teaches you how to use SOLIDWORKS Electrical to optimize your drawings and designs for manufacturability so you can maximize quality, avoid rework and decrease time to market. This course is focused on 2D Schematic Design.

Administering SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Training – Online

The focus of this course is on the fundamental skills and concepts central to the successful use of SOLIDWORKS PDM. The intended audience for this course is anyone who will setup and/or administer SOLIDWORKS PDM.

SOLIDWORKS Routing: Electrical – Online

SOLIDWORKS Routing – Electrical explains how to create, edit and manage Electrical routes, from the critical routing components and their design requirements to the sub-assemblies that contain the routes.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Essentials – Online

This course will provide an in-depth coverage on the basics of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), covering the entire analysis process from meshing to evaluation of results for parts and assemblies.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional Training – Online

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional training course will provide an in-depth coverage on the advanced topics in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) including heat transfer analysis, frequency analysis, fatigue, stability analysis based on the linear buckling concepts, 2D simulations and pressure vessel modulus.

CAMWorks Essentials 3 Axis Training – Online

This course teaches how to use the 3 Axis Milling feature in the CAMWorks software to machine complex, contoured surfaces. Users will learn the multi surface features specifically for 3 axis operations and the processes needed to post process and simulate tool paths.

SOLIDWORKS Essentials: Parts, Assemblies & Drawings – Online

CAD Micro 30 International Blvd, Unit 1, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

SOLIDWORKS Parts, Assemblies & Drawings teaches students how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, and how to make manufacturing ready drawings. A great way to get a solid foundation in SOLIDWORKS.

SOLIDWORKS Advanced Part Modeling – Online

SOLIDWORKS Advanced Part Modeling teaches students how to use multibody solids, sweeping and lofting features, and the more advanced shaping capabilities of SOLIDWORKS.

SOLIDWORKS Essentials: Parts, Assemblies & Drawings – Online

SOLIDWORKS Parts, Assemblies & Drawings teaches students how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, and how to make manufacturing ready drawings. A great way to get a solid foundation in SOLIDWORKS.

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