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Digitizing Production of Custom Large Format Automotive Parts with BigRep

December 3, 2021
| 9:33 am
If you work at or are an owner of an automotive company, pay a visit to our Webinar partnered with BigRep, featuring guest speaker Jeremy Katz, owner of JK Automotive Designs where you will get a live walkthrough of the scan, design, and production process of custom large-format automotive parts, and Katz’s workshop.

Are you looking for a faster, more accurate and efficient way to streamline your value-added designs for your custom large format automotive parts? Would you enjoy a live walk-through in both the digitization and production process of developing beautiful, finished interior car parts? Join CAD Micro and BigRep for our webinar held on December 15th, 2021, to help your automotive business take a deeper dive into the solutions used to effectively digitize larger automotive parts. Jeremy Katz, owner of JK Automotive Designs and expert in his field, will be joining us.

Here is a sneak peak of what will be covered:


1. How Katz Embraced Different Technologies

By keeping an open mind and breaking down barriers in the manufacturing process, adopting new technologies enabled Katz’s team to offer more to their clients and exceed customer expectations. Learn more about his process using BigRep technology by taking a live walkthrough of the JK Automotive Designs shop.

2. Tips and Tricks for Data Collection and printing preparation using DesignX, and SolidWorks

Solidworks is an industry-leading 3D production and design program created to assist product designers and manufacturers in the design process. To ensure the highest quality design, Design X will be featured in our presentation as an additional scanning and CAD design tool. There is a seemingly endless number of components and data collection that we will take a more in depth look at to ensure well-rounded knowledge of both programs.

3. A Live Demo of BigRep creating a phyiscal twin, and how BigRep meets the demands of automotive applications

BigRep’s tooling process enables healthy production and cuts off the need for third party supply chains. This also affectively saves on manufacturing costs. BigRep can manufacture actual interior car parts as well as large-format prototype for the utmost quality replication.


To learn more and to save your spot, follow this link to the events page.


BigRep and CAD Micro partnership


Large format 3d Printing solutions

BigRep 3D printers are affordable and easy-to-use technology designed for large objects and ideas. Created for a range of industrial applications from rapid prototyping to finished products. Advance your manufacturing capabilities with BigRep printer’s size, speed, and agility – so you can get your products to market ahead of the competition.

About CAD MicroSolutions:

CAD MicroSolutions, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, has been providing engineers, designers and manufacturers with 3D technology and training for the entire product development lifecycle for over 30 years.

CAD MicroSolutions is uniquely positioned to help their clients enable innovation across Canada, selling and supporting 3D printing solutions as well as design automation software, training and consultation to help clients in mechatronics innovate, design and succeed. For more information about CAD MicroSolutions, please visit or call 1-888-401-5885.

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