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The Advantages of Virtual Reality Training

March 28, 2021
| 12:30 pm
Virtual Reality (VR) allows users to experience a computer-generated, fully digital, 3D experiential environment. Virtual Reality training has become increasingly popular as it is a very valuable tool for training programs and eLearning courses.

Virtual Reality (VR) allows users to experience a computer-generated, fully digital, 3D experiential environment. It allows for the different senses to be stimulated in a fully immersive experience. Virtual Reality training has become increasingly popular as it is a very valuable tool for training programs and eLearning courses. VR training has many advantages when being compared to traditional methods of training.


Hands-on Approach to Training

Virtual Reality provides employees with an advanced form of training. Trainees can learn quicker by performing procedures or tasks in a fully immersive way. Traditional forms of training can lead to bottlenecks as new employees can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to months to become comfortable in their new role. VR training allows new employees to perform tasks in a hands-on approach as many times as they wish before they are comfortable.


Learn from the Mistakes

VR provides a safe learning environment where mistakes are encouraged, this leads to better learning opportunities and a chance for employees to be exposed to consequences. This form of training is great for both instructors and trainees as both can learn different ways to deal with problems that may arise.


Higher Learning Retention

Immersive learning allows employees to better grasp concepts and become more comfortable in their roles, leading to higher retention. VR training gives trainees a more realistic job experience and will lead to a quicker understanding of concepts and tasks.


Effective and Scalable

VR enables effective learning at a lower cost and in less time than traditional learning methods. With the help of inbuilt objective assessment systems, management can view and review the performance and retention of each employee. VR training allows employers to deliver standardized training from multiple locations making it a highly scalable solution.

About CAD MicroSolutions:

CAD MicroSolutions, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, has been providing engineers, designers and manufacturers with 3D technology and training for the entire product development lifecycle for over 30 years.

CAD MicroSolutions is uniquely positioned to help their clients enable innovation across Canada, selling and supporting 3D printing solutions as well as design automation software, training and consultation to help clients in mechatronics innovate, design and succeed. For more information about CAD MicroSolutions, please visit or call 1-888-401-5885.

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